Sunday, June 21, 2009

Kizhi Island.

Kizhi Island - an island on Lake Onega in Karelia, which is world-famous architectural ensemble consisting of a set of wooden buildings: churches, chapels, houses, business buildings. Some of these buildings were built on the spot, others were brought here from other places. According to one legend, Transfiguration Church was built without nails one ax, which the master then threw into the lake.

On the island are also a few villages, which together constitute the village of Kizhi.
The island of Kizhi in Lake Onega is located at 66 km from Petrozavodsk. The road to it lies among the picturesque clusters of islands, called skerry Kizhi.

Museum - Reserve «Kizhi» - this is one of the largest museums in the peasant culture of the Russian North. Collected in the collection of monuments comprises 76 buildings. The basis of the collection is an outstanding monument of folk architecture - Kizhi architectural ensemble, built on an island in the 18 - 19 centuries. Transfiguration Church, built in 1714 - mainly the construction of Kizhi churchyard. Perceived issued strict pyramidal silhouette of the church, close to striking a lot of detail. The church cut out of pine and 22 crowned heads, covered with aspen. Head of various sizes, arranged in 5 tiers, fanciful alternate with each other, giving the church whimsical, fairy-tale look. In a bright sunny day, they glitter and gold seem to be issued, at sunset - crimson, in cloudy weather - Silver.

Transfiguration Church - the product of his time, absorbed all the previous experience and the best traditions of northern wooden architecture, time, reflected the desire for a special luxury and elegance typical of the folk culture of Russia Hush century. Its creation reflected a combination of construction was the wisdom and practicality: the system drains the roof and architectural forms together into a coherent whole, ensuring the safety and durability of the church. The main tool was a carpenter ax. All the complex design of the church are made largely without the use of nails. Unfortunately, unknown to the creators of the names of the church. Preserved the legend of the Wizard, Nestor, which concluded its work, throw a stone into the waters of Lake Onega with the words: «There was not and will not be such». However, this is all just a beautiful legend.

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