They are all connecting roads, build a symbolic circle in which each city shine its rich history and sights, and together make up the treasury of Russian culture.
To drive the entire route, more than 1000 km, you'll need to spend about a month. Picture Russian cities, and rated the country and abroad. Rapidly built hotels, campsites and restaurants. In Suzdali and Rostov ever built for the tourist complex samples.
The easiest way to travel the Golden Ring by car, such as Suzdal and Pereslavl Zaleski can be reached only by car. In large cities can be reached by rail. From Moscow, go commuter train to Vladimir. Suburban train Moscow - Yaroslavl passes through Sergiev Posad, Alexandrov, Rostov Veliky.

Uglich, Rybinsk, Tutayev, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ples faces on the Volga, Murom is located on the shores of the Oka. Visit these cities included in the program of river cruises. Not for nothing river cruises are often confused with the Golden Ring route.
Recently, in the cities of Golden Ring of Russia intensively developed tourist industry, so in almost any city you can find sightseeing, affordable hotel, cafe or restaurant. For the same reason, the prices of these services is quite high, especially in Vladimir and Suzdal.
History of the Golden Ring is very exciting, it includes cultural and architectural heritage of Russia. Despite the hard times of wars and disasters, many of the unique centuries-old architecture and historical treasures are preserved till today. Undoubtedly, it is worth visiting the city of the Golden Ring to see all these monuments of their eyes, to enjoy the architecture, arts, painting, see the old icons of the great ancient masters.
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