Vladimir - a city in Russia, administrative center of Vladimir Oblast.
Population - 339,5 thousand people (2008).
Located on the left bank of the river Klyazma 180 km north-east of Moscow. A major transport hub for the car (M-7 «Volga») and the Railway (Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod), highways (Vladimir station).
The city is the Golden Ring of Russia is a recognized tourist destination.
Vladimir - the only city in Russia, involving suburban immediately with two Russian cities with subways. If you go by train from Vladimir, the nearest station in Moscow - «Novogireevo», Nizhny Novgorod - «Moscow».
The first people began to appear in the territory, which occupies a modern city, about 30-25 thousand years BC.Vladimir - the only city in Russia, involving suburban immediately with two Russian cities with subways. If you go by train from Vladimir, the nearest station in Moscow - «Novogireevo», Nizhny Novgorod - «Moscow».

In 1108, Prince Vladimir Monomakh built a powerful fortress, protected from the south brae Klyazma, from the north - Lybid 'river, east and west - deep ravines. New Castle was named after the founder, Vladimir.
Heir Monomakh - Prince Yuri Dolgoruky taken the struggle for the throne of Kiev, initially paid little attention to the northern fiefdom, but, realizing the futility of the struggle in the south, and appreciated the advantages of the northern lands, their rich natural resources, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky has launched the construction of new fortifications in the land of Suzdal . They were founded by the city: Moscow, Pereslavl, Kideksha, Dmitrov, Yuryev-Polish, Zvenigorod. Prince Vladimir was rebuilt in a new princely court with the church in the name of their heavenly patron George (1157).
The rapid growth of the city has identified its conversion into capital of the principality.
During the XVIII century the city three times, changed their status.
Today, Vladimir - the regional center with a powerful industrial potential and rich cultural heritage. A huge number of attractions has contributed to tourism development and transformation of Vladimir in the international tourist center.
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