The population of 33,6 thousand people (2005).
The city is located on the shores of Lake Nero, in 53 km from Yaroslavl, at 202 km from Moscow, on the route M8 «Kholmogory» Moscow - Arkhangelsk. There are railway and bus stations.
Rostov - one of the oldest cities in Russia. It is part of the Golden Ring of Russia. The first mention of it belongs to the year 862.

Rostov is often called Rostov the Great, to distinguish it from the Rostov-on-Don.
Rostov - one of the oldest cities in Russia. In old Russian chronicles «Tale interim years», in the record for 862 years it dealt with as a long-standing.
When Tsar Ivan the Terrible Rostov was taken oprichnina. In the dim time, growth has not escaped the tragic fate of many Russian cities. In 1608 he was burned and looted by the Polish-Lithuanian interventionists. In the history of Rostov it was the last invasion of the invaders, soon after that to strengthen the city around its central part was poured earthen fortress.
For many centuries, Rostov retained the importance of religious center. The territory of the Rostov diocese stretched far beyond today's Yaroslavl region, Rostov and hierarchy were among the most influential ecclesiastical lords. At the end of the XIV century Rostov bishops received the rank of archbishop, and in 1589 - Metropolitans. Metropolis of Rostov was one of the richest in Russia.
Since the second half of XIX century in Rostov began rehabilitation and restoration of architectural monuments of Rostov Kremlin. In 1883, the Kremlin has opened «The Museum of Antiquities of the Church», which continues to exist and at the present time and is a significant cultural and scientific center. Now the State Museum-Reserve is called «Rostov Kremlin». He has a rich collection of monuments of ancient Russian art - a unique collection of icons, ancient Russian facial needlework, paintings and graphics XVIII-XX centuries., Ancient manuscripts and documents, archeology. In 1995, the Rostov museum is included in the list of most valuable objects of cultural heritage of Russia.
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