Yaroslavl - city in Russia, administrative center of Yaroslavl region and Yaroslavl region. Population - 605 thousand people (estimate as of January 1, 2008). The area of the city is 205 km ². The historic city center, situated at the confluence of the rivers Volga and Kotorosl is a UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Coat of arms of Yaroslavl: the silver shield standing on hind paws bear (symbol of foresight, and strength) in the left paw holds a golden ax on the same handle, the shield crowned with a cap Monomakh - its image is allowed on the arms of historical cities, the former se
City of Yaroslavl - the ancient Volga River city, widely known for its remarkable architectural monuments, a treasure of ancient Russian art. Long history of Yaroslavl starts with foundation in 1010 by Prince Yaroslav the Wise Rostov city - the fortress on the arrow - the confluence of the rivers Volga and Kotorosl.
During the period of education at the Kiev State this place has stood the ancient pagan sanctuary and was located the village of descendants of the Finno-Ugric tribes, mixed with a send Slavic population. Legends call it a settlement «Bear angle». Its residents were engaged in farming, hunting and fishing have been involved in trade with Scandinavia, Volga Bulgaria, the countries of the Middle East. All around, within a radius of 10-12 km, there are several similar settlements, whose inhabitants have left enormous necropolises.
The highest flowering of the city has reached in the XVII century, when in Yaroslavl were built great monuments of history, architecture, painting - the Church of Nikola Nadein (1620-1622 gg.), Christmas (1644), Elijah the Prophet (1647-1650 biennium.) John the Baptist (1671-1687 gg.), John Chrysostom (1654) and others of the Yaroslavl school of architecture and painting.
Year after year I face the ancient city. Modern Yaroslavl, with a population of more than 630 thousand people is the largest industrial and cultural center of the Upper Volga. The city is by automobile and tractor engines, a variety of tires, petroleum products, electric motors, asbestos technical articles, technical fabrics, paints and varnishes, etc. Currently, in Yaroslavl has 18 research and design institutions that promote the introduction of scientific and technological progress in many sectors of the economy. Yaroslavl country gave the first Russian truck, the first native-decker, the world's first synthetic rubber, the first domestic diesel engine, the first vibrator.
There are Yaroslavl State University, Technical University, Pedagogical University, Medical Academy, affiliated Institute of Railway Engineers, Institute of Economics and Finance, Higher man-portable air defense and financial military schools, 86 secondary schools and 24 sportschool. Daily TV goes on air - Radio «Yaroslavia». Yaroslavl is one of the most interesting tourist center «Golden Ring». Slaven great monuments of architecture and art. It presents many styles of Russian architecture of several eras.
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